Thursday, April 21, 2016

Codes are there to protect you, not to be a nuisance

70 people dead. Since 2012, 70 people have died in fires and/or explosions at one Mexican petroleum company. Thee people were killed just yesterday, and another 100+ were injured. 
Here's a link:

Where's the outrage?

Imagine if this were to happen in the United States. Would there be outrage? Maybe not to the extent that some of us would expect to see. But I'm sure that some politicians would jump on the "fire safety" band wagon for a short time. 

So why doesn't this type of thing seem to happen too often in the United States? Not saying it doesn't happen. But it doesn't happen too often. And it certainly doesn't happen repeatedly at the same company. 

The reason is that we have regulations, standards, codes, and oversight. All the things that people complain about and tend to think is put in place to make their lives difficult. 

So many codes and standards have been created BECAUSE OF horrible tragedies. That's how we roll in the United States. Somewhat reactive. But least we do something about it. 

All you have to do is look south towards Mexico to see what happens when a country lacks regulation. Death and destruction? Yeah. Seems to be about right. 

Cheap labor + lack of regulation = Bad. 

Yet this is the exact reason companies like Carrier and Kraft are moving operations south of the border. But that's another story. 

70 dead at one company. And nothing seems to happen....seem legit? 

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