Friday, January 1, 2016

Oh. You wanted us to inspect that too?

Imagine hiring a company to perform a fire sprinkler inspection. You call them and ask for a price. They give you a price over the phone; sight unseen (or any other information unseen).

Seems like a reasonable price. Definitely cheaper than the last company you had out. Your boss will be happy that you're saving a few bucks.

They come out to do the inspection. They are there for a whopping 35 minutes. The other guys were always a few hours. Weird.

All is good. Obviously. The inspection company did the inspection. 

Fire marshal comes out a few weeks later and slaps you with a "30 DAYS TO COMPLY" notice to get your dry system inspected. "But (insert cheap sprinkler company name here) just did our inspection?!?!"

The fire marshal didn't see any inspection tags on the dry system; you couldn't provide him with the dry system inspection paperwork either (because you didn't have any). So I guess it wasn't done. 

"30 DAYS. Or I'm shutting you down and fining you!"

What gives? You call the inspection company (that was cheaper; and your boss was happy about....for those few passing moments) and they tell you that "you didn't ask us to inspect the dry system specifically. If you would like, we can send a crew out within the next few weeks. There will be additional charges, of course.....that will be (3X what the first inspection cost). Would you like to schedule now? If you wait, we can't guarantee an inspection within 30 days....."

Seem ridiculous. Think I'm making this stuff up?

Nope. Not making it up. Yup. Ridiculous.

Some of the "leading fire protection companies in this nation"....blah, blah, this. They inspect systems "reactively"....not "proactively". Some of these companies are YOUR fire protection contractor. 

So that little bit of cash you saved, and your boss already forgot about, is now coming back and kicking you in the rear end.  And your boss isn't going to forget about this.  Funny how that works. 

If this sounds familiar in any way. Or when dealing with your current fire protection contractor you just want to bash your head through a cinder block wall.....stop the nonsense. Give us a call. 

We are "fire protection built on integrity."

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